Watch Pandemic (2009) Full HD


ER doctor Tsuyoshi Matsuoka receives a patient with a virus unlike anything he's seen before. His symptoms include high fever, convulsions, vomiting of blood and multiple organ failure. Could this be a new form of influenza or is it some other variety of virus? As the situation worsens and more cases begin arriving, a medical officer from the World Health Organization named Eiko Kobayashi is dispatched to the area. At the rate the virus is spreading, the entire citys transportation system and infrastructure would be brought to a halt within 3 months. Within 6 months it could spread to tens of millions of people--reaching a death toll far worse than any war.

Movie details Pandemic

Release : 2009-01-17
Genre : Action, Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller
Runtime : 138 minutes
Company : Toho Company, Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS), Twins Japan


Satoshi TsumabukiasTsuyoshi Matsuoka
Rei DanasEiko Kobayashi
Ryoko KuninakaasTakako Mita
Yji TanakaasEisuke Mita
Chizuru IkewakiasMami Manabe
Takanori TakeyamaasKsuke Suzuki (as Kanningu Takeyama)
Ken MitsuishiasShsuke Kamikura
Midoriko KimuraasMiwa Ikehata
Kyusaku ShimadaasShji Tachibana
Akio KanedaasRyz Takayama
Bokuz MasanaasMichikusa Tamura
Dante CarverasKlaus David (as Dante Kv)
Ayaka KomatsuasKyko Kashimura
Akifumi MiuraasMikio Komori
NatsuoasAkane Kamikura

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